Friday, 15 February 2019

31 years with stickers!

Its 31 years today since I started at Secura Labels! See the full Linked in Here

15th February, is the anniversary of the day I first walked through the doors at Secura Labels. While 31 years may not be a regular anniversary to celebrate, and thanks for all the good wishes!, it does somehow feel a "milestone".

Back in 1988, I joined Secura at their Ashby factory, following 6 years as a coal miner. I took the number of employees to 7, and in those days it was truly was a family concern. David and Kay, David`s Father, Bernard, along with, Andrew, Peter, and another who`s name escapes me! Each day, 12.00 O`clock prompt lunch was always taken together, and always fish and chips on Friday!

Going back over the years, I have worked with 66 individuals, the shortest period 2 1/2 days, the longest 27 years and counting. Among these, and also among suppliers and customers, I have found lifelong friends, and count myself lucky to have worked with some great characters down the years! In the 31 years we have moved four times and the team has grown to 14 in total, but I hope we have maintained some of the "family" feel.

We have, in my time here, sometimes been at the forefront of technology! When I first joined, "artwork" was set with "letraset" & "linotype", and then posted out for approval, posted back once approved. It seemed then a good idea to invest in a fax machine, so we could fax "proofs" and have them faxed back, saving 2 -3 days..... the fax duly arrived - great - unfortunately few of our customers had faxes, it took around 5 weeks before we could actually use the machine for the purpose it was brought for! We also had Thermal Transfer long before many had even hear of it, still a main part of the business today.

We also have been instrumental in the growth of several competitors - Paul left to Form/Join Charnwood Label Craft, Andrew Davis to form Acre Labels (Jenacre) and Andrew Hough to form Trent Labels.

Over the years we have also helped others with Press advice, indeed OPM`s relationship with Nilpeter followed a day spent with us after we purchased our first Nilpeter F240. Chris Ellison, his Father and some of the OPM team spent the day putting the press through its "paces" - a day where we also learned a lot!

There have been some challenges during the 31 years, moves, change of ownership, along with the "daily" ones, but I still get up looking forward to each day, another 31? that would make me 86, so why not? With the continued backing of the "Board" and the "Team" here anything is possible!

(Those with good memories may be thinking, "its only a couple of years since his 25th?", I took a couple of weeks "broken" service to further my professional portfolio (selling sandwiches!) and on my return, had to "re-start")

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