Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Training Diaries

An occasional scribble!

23rd April - Commute - 34 Miles

21st April - 44 mile ride

20th April - 3 Mile run (Park Run)

18th April - Commute - 34 miles

16th April - Commute - 34 miles

7th April - 3 Mile run (Durham Park Run)

26th March 2019 - Commute - 34 miles

24th March - 61 Miles (rode the "long" Ride Lichfield Sportive Route)

21st March 2019 - Commute - 34 miles (a nice morning)

19th March 2019 - Commute - 34 miles + 3 Mile Jog (!) A Duathlon?

16th March 2019 - 51 miles cycle - Run & Ride Spring Challenge - VERY Windy ride

14th March 2019 - 3 mile jog

12th March 2019 - 3 mile Jog

10th March 2019 - a 3 mile jog and just a few miles on the mountain bike (well it was windy!)

5th March 2019 - Commute - 34 miles

3rd March 2019 - 40 mile ride, a spin around the Ride Lichfield sportive "short" route, just ahead of Storm Freya!

2nd March 2019 - Park Run, my 3rd run at a Park Run, great fun, and my 3rd "PB"!

26th Feb 2019 - Commute - 34 miles

24th Feb 2019 - 47 miles, Abbots Bromley, Walton, Stafford, Brockton, very foggy ride, this a a road closure which saw me ride around 4 miles on the canal bank, didnt make for the quickest of rides!

21st Feb 2019 - Commute - 34 miles

17th Feb. 2019 - 40 Miles - up a little later than planned but a steady ride, 14mph Ave.

10th Feb. 2019 - A steady ride of 17 miles.

A Gap

8th September 2015 - A real Autumn commute - Foggy, damp.. but no wind!
What could have a nice ride spoiled by a slow puncture about 10 miles in, the remaining 7 or so miles a case of ride, stop, pump repeat! Ride home was another story, at +17mph and a sub 58 minute ride.

10th September 2015 - Another Autumnal morning, and a steady ride in, quite earry in places as the sun tried to break the mist with great photo opportunity missed as a flock of geese appeared flying through the half-light. Another quick ride home though and at 56.40, the fastest for some time!

13th September 2015 - St Giles Bike Ride. A steady ride to Whittington, although the day looked to be promising, at 7.45am it was still quite chilly, and coat and leg warmers needed. Signing on done all set for the  9.00 o`clock start. Setting off in waves of 30 or so, I some how missed setting off with Mr. Cox and crew, but soon found a group pedaling at around 17mph, my target speed, so i tucked in, working my way to the front as we wound up to 20mph heading to Barton, a short hill split the group and as others waited up for friends, I found myself trying to catch the next group. And so the morning went on like this, catching a group, then as they stopped or slowed, moving to the next. This was until the final 15 or so miles when i found myself pretty much on my own, unable to hang on to a group and so now struggling to try and duck under 4 hours, as it was 4.00.47 was I guess quite respectable.  The event was well organised and signed all round, with a nice route, and even the challenge of Brocton hill enjoyable in the Autumn sunshine!

15th September 2015 - WET!