Monday, 26 January 2009

The bikes back.................

Not that it had ever gone away!, but as the "main" event is a cycling one I thought it time to get back in the saddle, so gear all set Friday night, lights charged and alarm set bright and early, had`t figure on a frost though, so I have to admit it was a slightly shorter ride than planned - roll on next weekend.

This week in History - 27th - The Doors release their debut Album - 1967, 31st - Guy Faukes executed - 1606, 31st - Family Guy debut show - 1999.

Friday, 16 January 2009

and so it goes on................

Week three, Training going ok so far and the sponsorship has started to drift in - thank you.

It appears that a local "off road" 10k - the Thunder Run at Catton Park - is also for the British Heart Foundation, so it may be I have another event to fit in, will keep you posted!

This week in History - 19th The last Beetle leaves VW`s Emden plant - 1978, 20th - English Parliment holds its first meeting in the Houses of Parliment - 1265, 22nd - Apollo 5 lifts off - 1968.

Monday, 12 January 2009

so it begins

So as at 11th January I have 9 weeks until the Stafford 1/2, and can currently drag my 11 stone 10lbs frame at a steady jog for 45mins - I have a lot to do!

Last years time was 2 hours 8 mins. I really would like to get under 2 hours, between me and that - just hard work I guess.
This week in History - 12th National Trust is founded in 1895, 15th - Elizabeth 1 is crowned Queen in 1559

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Sinai Cycle

Hi, your here so I guess you have donated, or are about to!

In November 2009 I am to take part in a fund raising event to help the British Heart Foundation (along with the other charities HEART UK, echo, & Cardiac Risk in the Young)
The event is a 420km cycle in Sinai, with a little trek (4-5 hours)up Mt. Sinai its self thrown in for good measure! "Trek day" includes a 115km cycle - guess that's long a day then!

In the past I have taken part in other "Charity Treks" - Nepal, Peru and Morocco were my fund raising has totalled some £6,000. I also help on Charity Events in the UK - for Regain "Snowdon Challenge" and for Action Research "Race the Sun", events which raise in excess of £75,000 each.

In the past I have done events because "they where there", this time I feel compelled after the loss of my friend Steve Goacher and it is for him that I am to undertake the challenge.

During the year I am to take part in other (Training ?) events -

1st March - 10mile BHF walk at Calke Park
15th March - Stafford 1/2 Marathon
25th April - Thunder Run 10k - Catton Park
14th June - the Marin Rough Ride - off road Cycle in Wales some 75km/7,000ft.
7 - 15th November - Sinai Cycle
My challenge - quite clear - yours? my fundraising target is £2500.00 so, I am asking quite nicely, your challenge is to donate! easily done through at
Simlpy scroll to my name from the list, under "to support" and follow instructions, or a good old fashioned cheque - any donation no matter how small (or large) will be gratefully accepted and I thank you in antcipation.

so keep an eye on the blog where I will try and keep you updated with my progress (or lack of it!) and also my fund raising totals.